

Business Administration (MBA)

Master Business Administration 1

Start day

May 5th



Licencia Ingles MBTU


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What is Business Administration?

Business administration oversees the general operations of an organization or department. This may include teams support and supervision, problem solving, developing and implementing plans, and meeting goals.

Competences to be acquired

This program is structured to train experts with the knowledge, skills and abilities in the creation and efficient management of public and private organizations. Participants will have an entrepreneurial and innovative vision with ethical and socially responsible leadership, capable of satisfying all the needs of organizations, efficiently using the most sophisticated tools and techniques.

Why study Business Administration?

This program offers a good understanding of basic economic principles, how markets are affected by world events, and how to assess the financial health of a company. This can help in making better informed investment decisions.

What do I need to study Business Administration?

To study for a Master in Business Administration, you need to have finished a bachelor’s degree.

Possible jobs

In companies in the areas of administration and sales, as a business advisor, financial analyst, market research analyst, human resources specialist, marketing administrator, logistics manager, entrepreneurship manager, etc.


Core courses

Core courses
Master Course
  • Fundamental theory of organization
  • Quantitative Methods for Business
  • Marketing management
  • Project evaluation and risk analysis
  • Accounting Management
  • Finance management I
  • Strategic management of human talent
  • Transformational leadership

Concentration Courses

Concentration Courses
Concentration Courses Business Administration (MBA) mbtu


  • Capstone

Experience and recommendations
of the students

39 credits
duration 1y4m
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